Cross-border Baseline Survey of Waste Management System Effectiveness and Soils, Air and Water Quality Meroshina Serbia/Svoge Bulgaria

Joint Household Waste Management Study Bulgaria/Serbia Cross-border Region

Methodological frame for local and regional economic development for the Republic of Uzbekistan

Initial research of the target Namangan/Syrdarya Region, Republic of Uzbekistan

Preliminary analysis of EU best practices for local and regional economic strategy development

Joint risk assessment municipalities of Meroshina Serbia/Svoge Bulgaria

A Study of Existing Techniques for Monitoring and Evaluation in the Integration Process of Third Country Individuals in Republic of Bugaria

Joint action plan, joint emergency management plan and procedures for emergency situations municipalities of Meroshina Serbia/Svoge Bulgaria

Methodological framework for conducting interviews and surveying experts in the field of immigrant integration

General overview of normative acts, strategic, planning and other documents related to the existing techniques for monitoring and evaluation in the process of integration of GTD in the Republic of Bulgaria